The long awaited Leica M (type 240), or M10, successor to the M9 has finally released. Among the many new features introduced in the “digitization” of the camera, what excites me most is the introduction of the 1080p Full HD movie recording.
Finally Leica M users would be able to actually shoot movies using the smallest full-frame camera in the world, through the Leica lenses. No more hassle of having to fit mounts on SLRs for video recording.
Focusing on the Leica M has also become more convenient, with the focus assist functions, and the Live View mode. However, I personally still prefer shooting through the standard view finder, as one of the main joys of using the M is using it as a true rangefinder.
There are too many improvements to the M9, and I can’t wait to explore and figure them out one by one. In the meantime, here are my first few shots with the M (240).
First day with the Leica M.
For a full and detailed review about the Leica M (240), check out:
Emotional days… reminiscing the past, the pain once felt, realizing the wrong doings, learning from the mistakes,
Repent. New chapter.
Feb 2013
A beautiful and meaningful short film.
The Last – Who What When Where Why
這一系列的攝影作品是由來自德國的藝術家:Martin Klimas , 這系列作品使用了很多的中國武術打鬥畫面的人物擺設瓷器,而為了捕捉到這些靜止的瓷器看起來像是真的在互相打鬥的畫面,Martin Klimas 將這些瓷器從9.8呎高的高度垂直往地面砸碎並且將瓷器與相機的快門用線做連接才能夠在砸到地面時捕捉到瓷器徹底肢解前一秒令人震撼的一幕(我好想當那個丟東西的人,你們也是對不對!!)Martin Klimas的網站
Pavel Puhov 出生於1983年是一位來自俄羅斯的街頭藝術家以及行為裝置藝術家。
利用街上的路燈畫出真正的“3D”立體鏡框,防止敵人爬入的鐵荊棘也可以是一顆聖誕樹,生活要的是一點的刺激跟想法,重點在於你敢不敢挑戰!更多請點入: Pavel Puhov網站